

Im Impact of Inventory Management on Firm’s Efficiency – A Quantitative Research Study on Departmental Stores Operating in Karachi BY : 1Faraz Khan, 2Dr. Danish Ahmed Siddiqui 1Research Scholar, 2Associate Professor Karachi Social Science and Humanities Journal  University Business School, University of Karachi, Pakistan. VOL-03, ISSUE-04, 2019 This study investigated the effect of various inventory management factors on firm’s efficiency. These factors included Capacity Utilization, Inventory Accuracy, Lean Inventory, and Stock Availability. Data was collected by the use of liker scale questionnaire from 250 individuals from different departmental stores in Karachi. Data was analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling. The results showed Inventory Accuracy, Lean Inventory, and Stock Availability has positive and significant impact on efficiency. However, Capacity Utilization doesn’t seem to affect efficiency. Hence, main indicator of inventory control comes out to...


NAME : CAHAYA AMALIA NIM : 170505041054 CLASS : MLM B PT AGILITY PT Agility is one of the logistics companies that has competed at the global level. This company has been established since 1979 until now (2018). The logistics activities in PT Agility include freight forwarding, transportation and warehousing. But our industrial visit at PT Agility is only focused on warehousing activities. In this warehousing activity, it is what is learned in industrial visit. warehousing in a unit component in supply chain products and parts of the warehouse. warehouse is a place that is burdened with the task of storing goods to be used in production, until the goods to be used in production, until the goods are requested according to the production schedule. this storage function is often called inventory space, raw material warehouse or local special name, depanding on the type of goods stored. the following is the process activity in PT Agility's warehouse : 1. Receiving goods (In...


SUMMARY MANAGEMENT WAREHOUSING (OUTBOUND) OUTBOUND IN MANAGEMENT WAREHOUSING Outbound logistics is the process of storing, transporting and distributing goods to customers. (source:Macquarie University) Outbound logistics is defined as "the process related to the movement and storage of products from the end of the production line to the end user," (   The outbound logistics process starts with a customer sales order, moves on to warehouse packing and ends with product delivery. A business goes through several stages in the outbound logistics process :  The sales department first receives a purchase order from the client. The sales department checks inventory availability to ensure they can fulfill the order. The sales department then sends the customer order to the warehouse for picking and packing. The order is shipped and a warehouse clerk updates inventory levels. The business bills the client and eventually collects cash f...


NETWORK KUTIPAN LANGSUNG PEMAHAMAN CONTOH LINEAR “The linear network not only carries origin-destination traffic on non-stop routes, but also through local origin  and destination traffic on multiple-stop routes.” (hal:12) 1.        Linear network atau jaringan yang relative lurus. 2.        Jaringan linear local yang mengangkut antar origin-destinasi. (domestic) 3.        Multiple routes stop (Internasional) Maskapai Air Asia, perjalanan dari JKT( INDONESIA)-SYDNEY(AUSTRALIA). 01:30 – 04:35 Jakarta (CGK) – Kuala Lumpur (KUL) AirAsia 383 Penerbangan satu malam Transit di Kuala Lumpur  (2j 05m) KUL  Semalam 4j 20m 08:55 – 20:20 Kuala Lumpur (KUL) – Sydney (SYD) Contoh dari linear networking, masih dalam satu maskapai yang sama ( Air Asia), d...


WHAT WHY HOW Definisi Eko-Airport: Bandar Udara Ramah Lingkungan ( Ecological Airport yang disingkat menjadi Eco Airport ) merupakan bandar udara yang telah dilakukan pengukuran yang terukur terhadap beberapa komponen yang berpotensi menimbulkan dampak terhadap lingkungan untuk menciptakan lingkungan yang sehat di bandar udara dan sekitarnya, yang diwujudkan dengan cara membentuk Eco Airport Council ( Dewan Pengelola Lingkungan ). 1 Eco airport dibangun karena diharapkan bisa membantu mengurangi emisi karbondioksida (CO2) dari sector penerbangan yang berkontribusi 2% terhadap perubahan iklim. Direktur Bandara Ditjen Perhubungan Udara Kemenhub Ignatius Tjahjono mengungkapkan” pihaknya terus menggenjot implementasi eco-airport di seluruh bandara di Tanah Air karena implementasi konsep eco-airport menjadi sangat penting karena permasalahan lingkungan di tahun-tahun mendatang akan jadi sorotan dari banyak pihak, teru...


TRANSPORTASI BERKESINAMBUNGAN (INFRASTRUKTUR) Terminologi Pengertian Fungsi Akibat Sustainable Transportation (Transportasi Berkelanjutan) D alam hal mobilitas , transportasi berkelanjutan  harus memungkinkan   ( output ) dari transportasi dipertahankan atau ditingkatkan, namun pada saat bersamaan mengurangi masukan energi, khususnya penggunaan sumber daya tak terbarukan . Untuk mengurangi pemasukan energy, khususnya dalam penggunaan energy yg tak terbarukan. Sumber daya ini berarti pengurangan emisi , salah satunya CO2, perbaikan kualitas udara, dan penggunaan bahan bakar alternatif Dalam konteks ini berbeda beda di beberapa Negara, seperti di USA, EU, CANADA. Masing-masing dari Negara tersebut mempunyai  kebijakan. Dan adanya penerimaan politik dan public yang terkait dengan hal ini, karena berpengaruh atas kepemerintahan.  Di antara Negara USA dan EU, terdapat perbedaa...